
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vocaloid Weekly Ranking #156

Sup guys.
Seems like my net is back to normal, which means I can blog normally again haha.
Also, K-On movie!

As for today's (night I guess lol) post, a new Rankings came out with the nico link below:

週刊VOCALOIDランキング #156

As for the results,
#1 【鏡音リン】アンチクロロベンゼン【浄罪系洗脳ソング】 (Requires Nico account; Video posted in Vocaloid Weekly Ranking #155)

#3 【巡音ルカ】ラストソング "Last Song" by fatmanP

#4 【ニコカラ】 The Beast. (on vocal) by  スペクタクルP (The original video seems to be removed on Nico)

#13【巡音ルカ】absolute【オリジナル】 By Yama_ko

Hope you enjoyed this week's rankings as I did.  Only picked out the songs I liked/haven't posted.