
Friday, October 22, 2010

Dem eyez

Hi there,

Nothing really new out that I personally like touhou or vocaloid related but I should probably post something anyways lol

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vocaloid Weekly Ranking #159

Yo sup
Gonna do a quick post since Calculus homework is kicking my ass atm = =

Sorry I'll post something better tomorrow :(

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back and done with everything

Sorry for the not being here, but I'm back to the normal routine of daily posting.
School's been tough but I've made it through fine for the moment hehe.

So here are the songs for today after the jump!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vocaloid Weekly Ranking #158

Sup guys,
This is the last week of studies/essay writing for awhile so I can't wait for this to be over lol.
And ya, good luck to all you guys that also have midterms and essays to do :)

I'm not gonna write as much, need to work out my daily 300 words on my essay lol.
So without further ado, here's this week's Vocaloid Ranking #158:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Busy week but . . .

Hey guys
Happy late 10/10/10 lol.
Still busy as hell :(
Had Thanksgiving dinner with some friends.  They were an hr late and was supposed to bring turkey.  Apparently our "turkey" was reduced to more like a few slices of turkey breast and the rest is magically gone.  People didn't know what to bring so we had some random snacks like chips, donuts, and a crap ton of ice cream =3=)  Was a fun night over all, played some midnight basketball and it was great.  Cept for turkey.

How's everyone's Thanksgiving dinner go?  Ya ya I know thanksgiving in is Nov in US lol.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Work and stuff

Hey there!
So it's the long weekend + Thanksgiving monday (in Canada) and it seems that I'm gonna spend this ungodly amount of time on my Philosophy essay.  Bawww etc.  Luckly it's the only assignment in the class but it's a good 40% of our mark :(
Sorry if I haven't been posting comments lately, been pretty busy so I just quickly browse through the dailies :/

How's everyone's week went?

And ofcourse some new songs:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Vocaloid Weekly Ranking #157

Today's midterm didn't too bad, I did pretty well on the written I believe.  The MC was kinda hit or miss lol.  Personally I never liked MC that much since the choice are never straight forward but hopefully I did well on those too.
I definately feel great after this midterm though, so I'm glad that it's over.  The next one is in 2 weeks, which is Calculus, not too afraid of that but I should do a few practices.  Still got a 1500-2500 word essay to write as well, time to get that started :<

How's was your day?

As for today's Vocaloid Ranking, I'm gonna actually post the video.
Bewarned it's about 23mins long so if you don't want to watch it all, I'm gonna spoil the ranks as well as post some new songs.